Science had acquired a great success in field of medical. In that, transplantation of organ is one of the boon of it. So first, let's see what is transplantation?
           Transplantation is a medical procedure in which damage organ is removed from one body and replace it with organ of another's body. Transplantation is done when an organ of patient's body is damage.

              Organs that need to be transplanted are heart , lungs, kidney , liver and pancreas. One kidney, lobe of liver, part of lung part of pancreas or intestine can be donated by living body but heart or awhole organ can be only donated by deceased body.
             In 2020 more than 39000 life saving transplants where completed from both living and deceased donor according to the United Network For Organ Sharing i.e,UNOS . 90% of people believe that organ transplantation is only option in failure or damaged.

            But actually transplant is not only option. In some cases diagnosis can be done. If diagnosis can be done , we should prefer to diagnosis instead of transplantation. Because ,transplantation had also some disadvantages sometimes. It not always cure  the problem. Many doctors also prefer the diagnosis in case of small damage. But some people only believe in transplantation .

              Also, there are many complexities in donation . About 107000 people where on waiting list for organ in Receivers are numerous but donors are too less . In today's date, peoples are going through covid 19 pandemic and many peoples are died . But doctors can't take out organs these deceased bodies because these organs are already infected. They can't place infected organ in healthy person's body. This is the first issue faced by a receiver that is lack of donors.
       Second issue is is the worth of these organs . These organs are so costly that it hardly afford to the middle class person. Its not easy for him.
         Third most issue is that organ not made person totally cure. Because organ that donors had donated sometimes work according its owner for donors body after donating two receiver it may not work according to it. Here , because of non working organ the life expectancy of that person may reduced.
        Fourth most issue is that the organ made trance made some hereditary diseases to the receiver. The person who had already affected through the organ failure after affecting by hereditary diseases may had to suffer with lot of pain and maybe e had to loss his life ,also. Doctors test the organs but sometime the disease may not define.

         So, if transplantation is not necessary one shouldn't prefer it. It should be preferred only after consultation of doctors.

         But for transplantation a healthy donor should be there .So ,we should give our little bit in this organisation.

STAY HEALTHY ,                    STAY SAFE


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