CLASSIFICATION OF        THREATENED              SPECIES AND                DIFFERENCE              BETWEEN THEM. 

Threatened Species:-

              Threatened Species are species which were going to endangerment to extinction in near future.
               Whereas , threatened species are classified into four groups.

Classification of threatened species and difference between them:-

(a) Endangered Species :-

              Either number of these organism is is declined or their habitat is shrunk to search an extent that they can be extinct in near future if conversation major are not implemented.

Some Examples Of Endangered Species:-

1. Lion Tailed Monkey.


         This monkey is one of the most endangered species in world today. Less than 2500 individuals are remained in forest about 400 more are left in zoo.

2. Lesser Florican


       This Bird is from the family of the Bustard and now only 1500 adult are left according to global population.

3. Black Footed Ferret


       Around 350 black footed ferret had left in wild world, today. But zoo agencies are trying to conserve this small carnivorous animal.

4. Blue Whale

           The aquatic animal are still and endangered species and they thought to be no more than 25000 living in world ,today.

(b) Rare Species:-

              Number of these organism is considerably declined .  Organism these  species being endemic may  become extinct very fast.

Some Examples Of Rare Species:-

1. Red Panda

          Around 10000 of them are left in wild world, today. Due to deforestation and climate change they became a rare species.

2. Musk Deer

         Animal has disappeared in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Less than 5000 of them are left, due to poaching.

3. Bengal Tiger


               Big Cat of India had endangered in last 4 years . Now ,only 2000 of them are left.

4. Black Buck 

       The animal had become rare in India due to heavy poaching. Conservation had undertaken to save these species. 

(c) Vulnerable Species:- 

       Number of these organisms is extremely less and continue to decline. Continuous decline in their number is worrisome reason.

Some Examples Of Vulnerable Species:-

1. Asiatic Lion

      Only 650 of Lion head left in India. It has been declared endangered in 2010 only.

2. Sloth Bear 

           According to global population, only 20000 of sloth bear head left in world , today. Indian wildlife protection act had been undertaken in India to protect the species.

3. Barasingha

          The swamp deer is called as Barasingha in India. Now , there number became 800, after five decades of persistent conversation works.

4. One Horned  Rhino

      The one horned Rhino also known as Indian rhinoceros listed as vulnerable species. Due to poaching ,number had drop down to 2000.

(d) Indeterminate Species:- 

             These organisms appeared to be endangered but due to some behaviour habits ( like shyness) there is no definite and substantial information.

Some Examples Of Indeterminate Species :- 

1. Giant Squirrel 

           Giant squirrel which is also known as shekru, the state animal of Maharashtra became indeterminate due to shyness. There number is not known are considered as endangered also.

            Therefore ,we look upon the classification of threatened species and difference between them. So, we should try our best to conserve our nature and biodiversity.


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