Clean technology defines a set of technology that used to reduce or optimize the use of natural resources for reducing the negative effect that technology has on the planet and it's ecosystem. It is also refers as green technology , cleantech and greentech.
        New example of such technologies are relatively new sustainable energy sources such as wind and wave power or improved conventional energy production process such as smart electric grids.
        Nowadays , pollution is increasing with fast speed . To control this , new process of clean technology is used ,i . e microbial process.
          Microbes have natural ability of decomposing the man-made chemicals. Hydrocarbon and other chemicals are transformed with the help of these abilities full stop some microbes remove the sulphur from fuels metals like copper iron uranium and zinc ,etc. Leach into environment from low quality metalloids.

        These are converted into compounds before leaching, with the help of thiobacili and Sulphobacili.

Some Examples Of Clean Technologies that are environment - friendly.

1. Generation Of  Energy From Waves.

           This plant has a capacity of 2.25 MW and is able to supply electricity to up to 1,500 homes.

2. Self Sufficient Building

       These buildings are those constructions that are able two function by themselves by generating energy without the need of an external contribution. Photovoltic panels is used to incorporate intelligent solar tracking system, thus obtaining an optimal use of radiation.

3. Waste to Energy

          In this process , energy is form from Garbage in form of steam, hot water or electricity.

4. Natural Gas Boiler

        They are green boilers that consume as little fuel as possible or renewable energy. With that, it releases more vapour and less carbon dioxide. It is most environment friendly.
       These are the progress of science and technology. So, we should use this technology and make our environment clean and eco-friendly.


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