Disposal of garbage is one of the the worst problem faced by the India ,today. Many schemes are implemented , to resolve this problem. Swachh Bharat abhiyan is one of the team which effected a lot in some parts of India.
    But many of the parts of India I remained away from these schemes. Especially, the rural areas . Rural areas are the one who are suffering with the problem of garbage disposal.
   Problem of garbage disposal is solved in urban areas by segregating dry waste and wet waste. Dry waste is taken by  municipal trucks and used to send at recycling unit.
       On Contrary, wait waste is taken to land filling sites by municipal trucks only.
    Wet waste typically refers to to organic waste which can be used for composting or landfilling.By reuse and recycle dry waste is segregate and by composting and landfilling method with waste is segregated in urban areas 
    Cleaning of roads  as well as other areas are done daily by municipal. Cleaning of ditches used to be done in urban areas.
    Garbage disposal is done very well in urban areas. Urban areas solving the problem of garbage disposal at very fast rate, there is good progress for cleaning of urban areas.
    But still rural areas are ahead from this. They are still suffering with the problem of garbage disposal. What about the people in rural areas ?
        The municipality in this area and your work is not so effective. So there is lack of everything . Currently some villages are making good progress but some are still ahead.

        Lack of education and municipality work ,peoples stay ahead of everything. If we say about garbage disposal in rural areas, farmers used to segregate wet waste. They typically use it for formation of compost. But dry waste is used to throw in bushes aur riverside which causes soil pollution as well as water pollution. 

    Solid waste like plastic ,wrappers remain as per their condition. Some people use to fire them but they don't know this causes air pollution.
         This is only due to lack of education and municipality work. If it worked as it works in urban areas ,rural areas will also become clean. If educated people take a stand about this problem, it will also affect a lot. But no one is going to take a stand. Educated peoples are migrating to urban areas and this is a reason that there is no much progress in village.
          We can solve this problem by educating peoples and making them to take stand against this problem. After taking stand making people aware about the side effect of garbage.
       This will not only  make one village clean but as well as whole India clean slowly and steadily. We should only try and one day we will get good result as per our work. 


                    GREEN INDIA.


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