Devrai's : The Preserver Of Forest.


        Do you know? What is DEVRAI? And , How it is preserver of forest? If , 'no'. So ,let's know about it.
        DEVRAI is the word of marathi language.It is the combination of two words i . e, 'Dev' and 'rai' means forest. Simply , Devrai means the forest conserved in the name of god that are considered as sacred. We can say that , the Devrai's are simply the sacred groves.
        The  fact is that these groves aur thick cluster forest is not conserved by the society or government. But these grooves aur thick cluster forest are concerned by the name of god by the local people there. In name of god they are more secure then other forest that are conserved by government or society. Because the people in India mostly believes in God and avoid doing the things that make their God tempted on them. So, if a thick cluster forest aur grooves is believed for the presence of the god in the forest. So, one who believed in God, do not placed any harm to that forest or area. So, it is a special protection . More than half of the forest and sanctuaries in India are conserved in name of god. 
       Some of you think that it's modern world today. Everything had some reason. It's not right to believe in god or in this type of superstitions. But ,actually Devrai's all today's requirement ,we can say. Now a days ,deforestation is taking place in great manner. Few sanctuaries aur forest are conserve by government. But still people are cutting the trees from this forest and sanctuaries, illegally. But in Devrai no one cut a single tree.
          So, Devrai is today's requirement and in today's world it is very important to conserve the trees. These kind of Devrai's are even needed at present time to conserve the environment because of the increasing environmental pollution and urbanization.
           There are many sacred groves or devrai are still present in India. These clusters of thick forest are present not only in Western ghats of India but in entire country. More than 13000 security groups have been reported in India.
      Maharashtra is specially known for sacred groves about 250 of sacred groves are present in Maharashtra. Kalsubai ,devri, girgaon ,Malkapur,Karla etc and many more sacred groves are present in Maharashtra as well as other parts in India.
         Western Ghat is specially known for its sacred groves or Devrai's. There are many biodiversity Hotspots in Western Ghat and they are declared as Devrai, in ancient times. Some area in deserts of Rajasthan are also declared as Devrai. Every state mini Devrai's I am located to preserve the forest.
           But now a days this Devrai's are threated due to increase in science and technology with that reduction in religious belief. They are becoming the victim of increasing urbanisation and development.  
          So, in today's world there is requirement of Devrai, not only to preserve forest but our biodiversity as well as Earth.
         So ,we have to take care of these devrai's , not to believe in God but to save our biodiversity. Devra near the village areas are preserved by local people but near city areas they are threated .So, we have to preserve these areas ,especially. So, if some of us can save our one devrai ,we can save a lot trees.

       Save DEVRAI🏞️,          Save TREES 🌳,           Save EARTH🌍.


  1. Good it is easy uderstable and information is also very good.

    1. Thank u very much 🥰 plz share and comment my post


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